Friday, March 19, 2010


I was doing my devotions today (from Isaiah 40 verses 10 and following) and it got me thinking. God is so powerful, so powerful that He created all we see, so big the ocean is like a drop in a bucket and the nations like grains of sand to Him. Why is it then that we have such a hard time trusting Him? We seem to have no problem trusting Him with our death and all eternity after death, but when it comes to trusting Him with our life, the here and now, well, that's another story. We have our own ideas about what we want and how we think things should happen and we don't want God "messing things up", which is a completely ridiculous idea! God's plans are so much greater and better than our own! But still, that is how we tend to view it. "If I trust God with this area in my life, He'll mess it up and things won't happen the way I want them to or think they should."
Why is it so hard to let go and trust Him? I have found the more I know Him, the easier it becomes, but still is not easy. I still find myself holding back, keeping my hand firmly grasped around an issue while saying, "Here, Lord, I want You to take this," when what I really mean is, "I'm going to let You try this, but if I don't like what You're doing, I'm ready to take it back and do it my own way."
Oh, Lord, give me the faith to trust You wholly!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Life's Passage

I was sitting at the kitchen table the other morning, waiting for my breakfast to finish cooking, and absently reading the little travel sayings on a keepsake box I found sitting there. One of them said, "A passage is a one way trip. A voyage is there and back again." I didn't think much of it at the time, just tucked it in the back of my mind as one of those "useless" bits of information.
But on the way home from church this evening I was humming snatches of several different songs by Keith and Kristyn Getty. Suddenly that little tid bit of information from the box came bursting back into my memory. I was singing "Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer", the part that says, "You have called me to this passage, and I'll follow though I'm worn." A passage is a one way trip. Though my way is difficult and I am weary with the journey, it is only a passage, not a voyage. I will not pass this way again. There will be other trials and storms I must pass through, but this storm I must face only once and then it will pass. Another line in the song says, "When the midnight meets the morning let me love You even more." I love that line. "When the midnight meets the morning." Jesus has a way of bringing the morning just when we think it couldn't possibly get any darker, the way couldn't get any more difficult and suddenly we see a ray of sunshine shooting through the storm clouds.
I love the seeming contradictions that we find in out walk with God. They seem to contradict, but in truth, they are beautiful realities! "May the treasures of the trial form within me as I go." How often do we look at a trial as a treasure? But when it is seen from the view point of all God can work in us through that trial, it really is a treasure. Not because of the trial itself, but because of the treasure of Christlikeness is works within us.
Another Getty song says, "Beneath His wings my weary soul may soar." It seems to contradict and yet it doesn't. It is only when we abide in the shelter of His wings that we have the strength, His strength, to lift our own wings and soar to the heights of joy and peace that He has for us.
Here are the lyrics to the two songs I've mentioned here for those of you who aren't familiar with the Gettys.

Jesus Dray Me Ever Nearer

Jesus dray me ever nearer,
As I labor through the storm.
You have called me to this passage,
And I'll follow though I'm worn.

May this journey bring a blessing!
May I rise on wings of faith.
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake.

Jesus guide me through the tempest,
Keep my spirit stayed and sure.
When the midnight meets the morning,
Let me love You even more.

May this journey bring a blessing!
May I rise on wings of faith.
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake.

Let the treasure of the trial,
Form within me as I go.
And at the end of this long passage,
Let me leave them at Your throne.

May this journey bring a blessing!
May I rise on wings of faith.
And at the end of my heart's testing,
With Your likeness let me wake.

What Grace Is Mine.

What grace is mine that He who dwells in endless light,
Called through the night to find my distant soul?
And from His scars poured mercy that would plead for me,
That I might live, and in His name be known.

So I will go wherever He is calling me.
I lose my life to find my life in Him.
I give my all to gain the hope that never dies.
I bow my heart, take up my cross and follow Him.

What grace is mine to know His breath alive in me?
Beneath His wings my weary soul may soar.
All fear can flee for death's dark night is overcome.
My Savior lives and reigns forever more!

So I will go wherever He is calling me.
I lose my life to find my life in Him.
I give my all to gain the hope that never dies.
I bow my heart, take up my cross and follow Him.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Gifts From Above

Look at the sunrise that opens the day,
Each silver dew drop, each golden ray.
Look at the ocean so sparkling and blue,
Each tiny flower with brilliant hew.
Look at the leaves of crimson and gold.
Each way we look are blessings untold.
Look at our blessings, our gifts from above,
Each precious moment, each gift of love.
To think that God sends us blessings galore,
And all that we do is just ask for more!

What Jesus Did For Me

When in the depths of black despair,
Looked and found that Christ was there.
My sorrow, sin and shame to bear.

He took my sorrows and my shame,
Gave joy and peace for me to claim.
Oh, praise my Jesus, praise His name!

And now with joy my soul doth soar,
For at His feet my sorrows pour.
A slave to sin I am no more.

Now some glad day His face I'll see
For Jesus died to ransom me.
With all His saints in Heav'n I'll be!

Every Day With Jesus

Every day is sweeter, sweeter
Than the day that came before.
When you walk with Jesus, Jesus,
You bare your cares alone no more.

Now the sun shines brighter, brighter,
Than it ever has before.
Every day you walk with Jesus
You will love Him more and more.

Carry Me

Lord, my world's come crashing down,
It's in pieces all around.
Seems like piece just can't be found,
In this world that just keeps turning round and round.

Carry me, I can't make it on my own!
Carry me, I can't do it all alone.
Carry me, Dear Lord, carry me.

Lord, my life's so incomplete,
Broken pieces at Your feet.
Please be my strength, Lord, I'm so weak.
In this world, You are the treasure that I seek.

Lord, I don't know what to do,
I know I should be trusting You,
But it's oh, so hard to do
In this world where blinded eyes just can't see through.

Lord, You've got a special plan for me,
But sometimes it's hard to see
How Your love could carry me
In this world, over this rough and stormy sea.

Lord, I just don't understand,
Although I know You had this planned
And I'm safe within Your hand
In this world, in this dark and weary land.

Lord, I know You'll carry me,
Make me what I ought to be,
Till Your blessed face I see,
Past this world, forever in Heaven I'll be.

Sharing His Blessings

Over the years, the Lord has given me precious words of encouragement. I've collected them into a journal as He's given them to me and I ran across it while packing up my book case. As I was reading over some of them it occurred to me that He didn't give them to me just for me, He gave them to me to share with others. So I decided to start posting some of them now and again.
I hope you all find as much encouragement from them as I have.