One of the things He has been teaching me is that my broken places can be sources of God's light to those around me. Sometimes when we are broken, we try to hide those broken places. We are afraid of being vulnerable, afraid of what other people will think, afraid that, by sharing our brokenness, we will disappoint the expectations of those around us. Exposing my broken places is kinda scary, but I am trusting that God has a plan for my brokenness, and I am trusting that He will use the broken places to let His light and love shine out to those around me. And through my willingness to allow God to use my brokenness for His glory, He has begun healing the hurts, the cracks, and the open wounds.
He is teaching me that the pain and the bitterness I have been holding onto so tightly is not hurting the ones who have hurt me, but only causes greater pain to my own heart. As I learn to forgive the people in my past, and my present, who have hurt me and bruised my heart, God is healing those hurts and bruises. As He heals the hurts, He shows me more of His greatness and love. As I see more of His love for me, I realise how little I trust Him. I cannot view God through the filter of my past hurts, but through the brilliance of His great faithfulness and love for me. I have allowed the people who have hurt me in the past to cloud my view of God. I have placed their offences on God's shoulders, expecting Him to hurt me as the people in my past have hurt me. God is not like us! He is infinitely perfect, loving, holy and powerful! He is all powerful God, Creator of all that I can see and all that I can't see, and yet, HE LOVES ME! He did not cause my pain, but He did allow it for a reason. I may never know all the reasons behind what He allows, but He does, and because of His love and faithfulness and power, I CAN TRUST HIM! People will let me down, but God will not allow ANYTHING into my life that He will not carry me through and use to bring me closer to the woman He wants me to be, a woman He can use to bring Him glory.
He is teaching me that the pain and the bitterness I have been holding onto so tightly is not hurting the ones who have hurt me, but only causes greater pain to my own heart. As I learn to forgive the people in my past, and my present, who have hurt me and bruised my heart, God is healing those hurts and bruises. As He heals the hurts, He shows me more of His greatness and love. As I see more of His love for me, I realise how little I trust Him. I cannot view God through the filter of my past hurts, but through the brilliance of His great faithfulness and love for me. I have allowed the people who have hurt me in the past to cloud my view of God. I have placed their offences on God's shoulders, expecting Him to hurt me as the people in my past have hurt me. God is not like us! He is infinitely perfect, loving, holy and powerful! He is all powerful God, Creator of all that I can see and all that I can't see, and yet, HE LOVES ME! He did not cause my pain, but He did allow it for a reason. I may never know all the reasons behind what He allows, but He does, and because of His love and faithfulness and power, I CAN TRUST HIM! People will let me down, but God will not allow ANYTHING into my life that He will not carry me through and use to bring me closer to the woman He wants me to be, a woman He can use to bring Him glory.
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