Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Thoughts

  Once again, I am thinking of changes.  (Seems to be a popular topic in my thoughts lately!)  With the dawning of a new year, though, I am thinking more of changes that need to happen, rather than changes that are happening, or have happened.  Changes that I wish to see in my own life and heart.   Looking back at the old year, I see much in my heart and life that was not as it should have been.    Of the 365 days of 2011, many (okay, most) were not used as productively and efficiently as they could/should have been.  Far too often the thoughts of my heart were focused on the troubles around me, whether real or perceived, rather than on my precious Lord and Savior.   Too often I found my focus inward rather than outward and upward.   Too many hours were spent on idle, worthless time wasters when they could have been spent doing something productive and useful.
  This year, I am determined, will, with the Lord's grace, be different.  Fewer idle moments, fewer selfish thoughts and attitudes, less time spent worrying about what I cannot change anyway.   More time spent with my Savior, more time spent for others, more words of encouragement.   As I think about it, it all seems so overwhelming, and I am reminded that "sufficient for the day is its own trouble", and I must not "be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself."


  1. I know you wrote this a while back. I didn't realize you blogged! ... so a late comment, anyway.

    I'm sure you're discovering that the strength, wisdom, joy, and love he gives us is surprising and overwhelming. It's a beautiful thing to find our incapacity overtaken with his sufficiency.

    I've broken over being not enough in the past, too. But that's the point, isn't it? We aren't enough. We don't have the capacity or even the vision to be what he promises to be in and through us.

    This is why Paul said, "it is not I, but Christ in me" and even Jesus said that it was the Father's will that brought him along the way.

    There is only one focus, one connection point, one target for our intents and purposes ... Christ. He overflows every vessel set beneath him ... breaks them wide open ... then flows through the breaks, creating a channel ... and channels carry vast amounts of grace, moment by moment, in constant supply as it surges through them.

    You reminded me of what I've been learning. I hope you don't mind that I shared a little.

    1. Just now saw your comment! Thanks for sharing!
